New Aveda Florida Cosmetology Student

Blog post by Aveda Institute South Florida student: Reilly Connelly

I am so grateful to be a new student at Aveda Institute South Florida! When I moved to Florida from California/Oregon in late June, this school was my first choice. During my tour, I fell in love with the school’s “Earth friendly” building and the busy, hands-on atmosphere. Aveda’s mission and belief statements set a positive, motivating foundation for students and educators, as well as our guests. We here at Aveda love our planet and want to take the best care of it, and of the people who live on it. We also support farmers, who distill our organic essential oils, making us one of the largest purchasers of organic ingredients in the personal care industry. So, why “Go Aveda?” Well, who wouldn’t want a beautiful world, with beautiful people living in it?