Some styles from the past were “totally awesome”, but they’ve stayed in the past. Many styles, though, are coming back with a new modern twist.
For example, the first style that is coming back is the winged eyeliner. This look is seen on many style icons such as Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe. All you need to create the look is black liquid eyeliner and mascara. Apply the liner to the top lash line and draw out a wing; finish the look with mascara on the top lashes only, pulling the mascara wand in the direction from the inner eye to the outer eye.
Another style that is being brought back is backcombed hair. These looks have been seen all the way from the fifties to the late eighties hair. A style icon known for her popularly backcombed ‘do was Madonna. By holding hair up and combing down on the hair shaft, you create volume and hold. You can either leave the style as it is, or you can work the backcombed hair into a creative updo. A classic beauty school technique.
A final look that’s being brought back is bold, red lips. A style icon known to wear this look was the punk rock pin-up singer Debbie Harry, aka Blondie. This look is achieved with red liner and red lipstick. Apply the liner to clean, well-moisturized lips. Next, apply the lipstick over entire lip. This look goes particularly well with the winged liner look.