Aaaah, Oscar night. One of the most glamorous evenings of the entire year. And while there were PLENTY of surprises (how’s the floor there, Jennifer Lawrence?), I mostly ooooh’d and aaaah’d at the beauty that surrounds the gods of film. I mean, Anna Karenina got completely ROBBED on Production Design (I know Lincoln was amazing, but did anyone actually see the Russian moving sets?), and am I the only one that breaks down into a big ball of tears if I even think of Anne Hathaway singing “I Dreamed a Dream?”

HOLLYWOOD, CA – FEBRUARY 24: Actress Sandra Bullock arrives at the Oscars at Hollywood & Highland Center on February 24, 2013 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Michael Buckner/Getty Images)
One thing I am completely positive of, however, is I could not have possibly been the only one to have my breath taken away by Sandra Bullock’s pin-straight, luminous, completely-awe-inspiring-to-the-point-of-glorious hair! Every strand in it’s exact right place! Light radiating from the very core of the strand!
Sleek, straight, glowing hair has always been one of the most ultimate event looks because of it’s easy, effortless appearance that might not actually be that easy and effortless. Unless, that is, you have a variety of ultra easy to use Aveda hair products! With just a few great ingredients, your hair, too, can take some breath away.
First step: you’re going to want to wash your hair with Aveda Smooth Infusion Shampoo and Conditioner. A lot like Ryan Gosling softens your heart, this shampoo and conditioner is going to smooth and soften your hair up to 60%.
Next, your going to pump a pea-sized amount of the Smooth Infusion Style Prep into your hands, emulsify, and run it down through your hair shaft. If your hair isn’t very straight to begin with, and you think your going to need some extra help from a heating tool like a straightener, I would suggest spraying some Brilliant Damage Control on your hair as well because it will act as a heat protectant and keep your hair from frying.
Then, use about a quarter sized amount of the Smooth Infusion Glossing Straightner, and rub that in to towel dried hair. The Glossing Straighter has natural cellulose in it that will keep your hair super smooth and sleek all day long. Blow dry, and finally, take a small pump of the Light Elements Smoothing Fluid and gently run through your hair. Weightless, shiny, and totally movable, the Smoothing Fluid will keep each and every one of your fly-aways in order.
Maybe next time, the Oscar will go to you!
Blog post by Aveda Institute Tampa Bay Cosmetology Student: Elle Miller