Tampa Bay’s January Student Spotlight

Aveda Student of the Month

Hannah Crucet

Image of Beauty School Student

“I chose Aveda because I wanted the best education in Cosmetology. I love that Aveda has taught me how to enhance a person’s beauty while also caring for their well being. Being part of a company that cares for the world we live in while also being able to be creative and do what I love is very rewarding.

I graduated high school from Forest High School  and went to the University of South Florida.

I enjoy everything hair and fashion, yoga, cycle, and philanthropy work.”

Cathy Tran

Image of Aveda Student

“I chose Aveda because I know Aveda will help me become successful in my career. It is my dream to be in the beauty industry. Aveda has helped shape me into the confident stylist I am today.

I went to Gibbs High school and graduated with honors in 2010.

My hobbies include playing around with nail art, hanging out with friends, and researching the latest trends in hair and nails.

Instagram page: @cathyloveshair”

Zuleyka Rivera (Zuly)

Spa Therapy Aveda Student

“I chose Aveda because of the natural approach to products and also their holistic inclination to message by treating the body as a whole.

I graduated from Robinson Senior High School.”